Lucia Crevani
Associate Professor
I am a senior lecturer in business administration specialized in organisation theory. My research focus is on organising processes, leadership, entrepreneurship, gender and intersectionality, inspired by perspectives that bring to the fore processes and social interaction. I teach in organisation and management.
I am active in the NMP research group that applies critical, interpretative and process-oriented views on organizational phenomena. My research is mainly focused on leadership, entrepreneurship, gender, work practices, discourses and communicative aspects of work and intersectionality. In particular, I am interested in exploring the everyday doings and talks at work and their consequences, in terms of leadership and other ordering practices. Theoretically, this means belonging to the field of process organisation studies and for example drawing on theories of organizational becoming, relational leadership, work practices, gender practices. My work has been published in international journals such as Leadership, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Service Business, Ephemera: theory & politics in organization and International Journal of Leadership Studies, Project Management Journal.
I am also subject representative for Industrial management.
I earned her PhD during 2011 at KTH, the Royal Institute of Technology, with a thesis on leadership: “Clearing for action: Leadership as a relational phenomenon”. I also holds a Master of Science degree in Management and Production Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Before starting my PhD education, I worked for SSAB, a Swedish steel company, first as business controller and later as project manager at the Business Development department. I have been visiting the department of Sociology at the University of Trento during spring 2012 and the School of Business at Stockholm University during 2013.