Hans Löfsten


His Ph D dissertation in 1992 (School of Economics and Commercial Law, University of Göteborg) focused on maintenance of municipal infrastructure – principles for planning, pricing and financing. Other earlier research fields of interest are maintenance of production systems and transportation costing. He has also been involved in a lot of different courses as a university teacher, in all levels. Hans Löfsten joined Chalmers in 1996, as an Assistant Professor. Previously, he has held academic positions at School of Economics and Commercial Law, as Assistant Professor and Senior Lecturer. He has also been a researcher at Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI). In 1999 he was appointed docent (Associate Professor) and in 2005 Professor (biträdande professor) in Technology Management, Chalmers.

The research in the last eight years relates to efficient use of resources in innovations systems. Incubators and science parks provides resources that enhance the founding of new small businesses, and are assumed, directly or indirectly, to support new technology-based firms. These firms may be important contributors to technological or market-driven innovation. Such innovations are important to the renewal and the vitalisation of industrial structures. Thus, the growth potential of these firms is of importance to the long-term economic development. Hans Löfstens full professorship (2007) is in Engineering Economic Analysis (Teknikens ekonomiska analys). The professorship includes research about planning and control of small, medium-sized and large industrial firms and other organizations. The research should develop methods and models, mainly of a quantitative character, for structuring decision situations and resource allocation. The level of analysis is on both firm level and on industry level.

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