Jan Löwstedt


Jan Löwstedt is professor in business administration and works at Blekinge Institute of Tehnology (part time) and at Stockholm School of Economics as Director of Research Center People and Organization (PMO), Economic Research Institute at the same school. During the academic year 1990-91 he was a visting research fellow at Templeton College, Oxford University. He is a member of the editorial board of Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier. Jan Löwstedt has published books and articles on organizational change, technology & organization and managerial and organizational cognition.

Current research interests (projects): Mergers@Work. Schools in Transition: A study of Management and Organization in Public Schools. Information Technology in Public Schools, The Recruitment Process in Swedish Organizations, The Reproduction of Gender in Management Resourcing and Management in the Thought-Full Enterprise.
His more recent books are:

Löwstedt, J. (red.), 1995, Människan och strukturerna.
Stockholm: Nerenius och Santérus förlag.

Hellgren, B. & Löwstedt, J., 1997, Tankens företag.
Stockholm: Nerenius & Santérus förlag.

Lindkvist, L., Löwstedt, J. & Torper, U., (red.), 1999, En friare skola.
Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Hellgren, B. & Löwstedt, J., (in press), Management in the Thought-Full Enterprise.
Oslo: Fagboksforlaget.

Löwstedt, J. & Stymne, B., (red.) 2002, Scener ur ett företag. Organisationsteori för kunskapssamhället.
Lund: Studentlitteratur


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