Jennie Björk
Jennie Björk, PhD, is Associate Professor in Product Innovation at Integrated Product Development, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in Stockholm. Her main research interests are ideation, ideation management, knowledge sharing, knowledge creation and social networks. A substantial part of her research is based on social network analysis of innovation activities in firms and communities, based on studies undertaken in close collaboration with companies.
Björk has been the editor of IMIT’s journal Management of Innovation and Technology since 2006 and is the Editor-in-Chief for the Creativity and Innovation Management journal since 2015.
Björk is the project leader of the Ideation Management Interest Group (IMIG), a researched-based network, aiming to bring together researchers and practitioners working actively with ideation and innovation for cross-learning, presentation of research results, and to collectively pinpoint and act upon the red hot issues for ideation management research and practice. IMIG started as a research-based workshop serie in a research project administrated by IMIT and has since then developed into a network of practitioners that meet twice a year.