Tobias Fredberg


Tobias Fredberg is Professor at the Division of Management of Organizational Renewal and Entrepreneurship (MORE) at Chalmers’ department for Technology Management and Economics. His research focuses on strategy and renewal in large organizations, and he leads a small research team around this topic. Four interconnected areas are of particular interest (1) the process of organizational strategic transformations, (2) the connection between strategic work and the development of leadership capability (3) the development of organizational models to create high engagement and higher performance together with multiple stakeholders, and (4) the practices of corporate entrepreneurship.

The team’s research is to a high degree connected with the Center for Higher Ambition Leadership Europe at Chalmers (CHLE), aimed at exploring models for simultaneously creating high economic and social value, and through the Corporate Entrepreneurship track at the Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship which builds on the idea of supporting deep transformative work with companies. Fredberg is director and co-founder of the CHLE and  a co-founder and co-director of the Corporate Entrepreneurship track.

Fredberg has been a post-doc at Technische Universität München and a visiting researcher at the Harvard Business School. He is a fellow of the Peter Pribilla Stiftung, of the TruePoint Center for High Commitment and High Performance and of the Center for Higher Ambition Leadership in Boston.

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