- Dominik Ahle, Markus Gedda, Robert Homann, Emil Leijon, Jasmin Mir Hagh Pasand, Oscar Némethy, Anna Rettenwander, Anton Rödholm, Johanna Stämpfli, Albin Thelander, Alfred Vidén, Kerstin Wadman, André Örjas
- Tobias Fredberg
- Johanna Envall Pregmark, Magnus Finnström
- Isabel Chávez Vizcaino, Sofia dos Santos Johnson, Axel Emanuelsson, Victorine Lançon, Linnea Larsson, Jakob Löfstedt, Sam Noble, Arvid Persson, Pontus Skogastierna, Nathan Terefe, Emma Walldén
- Laura Carriero, Zharfan Fathurrahman, Albin Hansson, Rebecka Jakobsson, Kristoffer Janblad Brandin, Tobias Karlsson, Petter Sjölin, Olivia Westberg
- Tamara Adzic, Sara Riad, Prarthana, Sara Grichat, Madeleine Kosmela, Ingrid Ulla Nyquist, Leon Hermansson Larsson, Martin Vik, Karl Börjesson, Gabriel Wallin, Jacob Hellke, Johan Högman
- Maruan Abdul-Karem, Sara Bergvall, Thato Brander, Cecilia Hermansen, Maja Jansson, Emma Karlsson, Johanna Konséleus, Niklas Lindström, Max Lingefjärd, Anna Olsson, Sara Rydehell, Hanna Wegelius
- Mattias Axelson
- Charlotte Nordström, Jon Rognes
- Tobias Fredberg
- Johanna E. Pregmark, Fredrik Hacklin
- Alina Afanasjeva, Martin Andersson, Nick Antti, Stefan Bojovic, Christiana Doran, Karolina Erhardsson, Jon Jaleby, Jackson Malcolm, Niklas Malmén, Emelie Ottosson, Dilan Ustunyagiz, Cecilia Ågren
- Anna Crona, Aleksandar Faraj, Besart Ferizi, Alexander Gidebring, Aileen Mercado Ortega, Julia Pohjanen, Carlos Sanchez, Erik Åhman
- Anna Danielsson, Madlén Fondén, Lisa Hagen, Alena Lashkova, Oskar Norén, Henrik Tengberg, Tobias Tikka and Julia Zetterholm
- Tobias Fredberg
- Johanna Pregmark
- Anna Andersson, Nathalie Andersson, Elisabeth Bergman, Carl Billton, Louise Fransson, Fredric Ghatan, Johanna Gustin, Andreas König, Olli Remes and Andrea Stråberg
- Viktor Ansund, Max Dubois, Elin Frisk, Anna Forshufvud, Lovisa Högberg, John Sandsjö, Lotta Strömbeck, Danilo Svensson, Frida Tall and Katrin Wahlström
- Mattias Axelson, Anders S Nilsson, Jon Rognes
- Martin Sköld
- Mattias Axelson
- Anders Richtnér, Johan Frishammar
- Daniel Ljungberg, Magnus Holmén
Pilotfall produktivitet, 2010
- Anders Kinnander
- Peter Almström
- Anders Kinnander
- Peter Almström
Creating sustainable work systems, 2010
- Abraham B. (Rami) Shani
- Mari Kira
A revised perspective on Disruptive Innovation – Exploring Value, Networks and Businnes models, 2010
- Christian Sandström
Implementering av processlösningar i sjukvården, 2010
- Torbjörn Jacobsson
- Susanne Meyer, Daniel Schiller Javier, Revilla Diez
Designing and Managing Cross-Functional Make or Buy Decision Processes, 2009
- Anna Moses
Coping With Project Complexity – A study of a yearly facelift car project at Volvo Car Corporation, 2009
- Xianghong Hao
Filtrerad Effiktivitet – Möjliggörare för Organisatorisk Utveckling, 2009
- Sten Setterberg
Enabling Knowledge Communication between Companies – the role of integration mechanisms in product development collaboration, 2009
- Mattias Axelson
- Maureen McKelvey
- Francesco Lissoni, Patrick Lierena, Bulat Saditov
Scrutinizing Policy Assumptions in Biotechnology, 2008
- Martin Wallin
- Mattias Johansson, Linus Dahlander
Filtrerad Effektivitet Möjliggörare för Organisatorisk Utveckling , 2008
- Sten Setterberg
ncubators and incubation Resources and activities in relation to different actors, 2008
- Lise Aaboen
Supervisors’ role in manual assembly, 2008
- Anna Grzelec
Patents and Innovations for Growth and Welfare: Summary and Policy Recommendations of a Government Policy Study, 2007
- Andreas Diedrich
- Rögnvaldur J. Sæmundsson, Magnus Holmén
- Magnus Holmén, Rögnvaldur Sæmundsson
- Joakim Björkdahl, Magnus Holmén
- Staffan Jacobsson
- Anna Bergek‚ Eith Smith, Marko Hekkert
- Annika Rickne
- Staffan Jacobsson
- Anna Bergek, Bo Carlsson, Sven Lindmark
Var ligger problemet? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i Sverige, 2007
- Staffan Jacobsson
- Björn Sandén‚ Linus Palmblad, Maria Hall
Innovation outside: When spin-off firms and developer communities change the boundaries of the firm, 2007
Accumulation, Boundaries, Capabilities and Dynamics Explaning Firm Growth, 2007
- Johan Brink
Managing Value Creation and Appropriation ICT Integration for Business Renewal, 2007
- Joakim Björkdahl
- Michael Eriksson
Nationella Inkubationsprogrammet – Finansiering och resursnätverk Delrapport, 2007
- Hans Löfsten
- Lise Aaboen
Nationella Inkubationsprogrammet – Indikationer på inkubatorer Delrapport 2, 2007
Synergirealisering Realisering av produktsynergier efter företagssammanslagningar, 2007
Multibranded Platform Development: A Corporate Stratefy with Multimanagerial Challenges. Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 24, No. 6, 2007
The Manufacturing Extraprise: An emerging production network paradigm. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol 18, No. 8, 2007
Counteracting forces in Multi-branded Product Platform Development. Creativity and Innovations Management, Vol 16, No 2, 2007
Managing Beyond Firm Boundaries: Levering User Innovation Networks, 2006
- Linus Dahlander
The job Security Councils in sweden , 2006
- Andreas Diedrich
Patent och innovationer för tillväxt och välfärd, 2006
PPA, Productivity Potential Assessment, Slutrapport avseende projekt PPA organisation, 2006
- Anders Kinnander
- Claes Helmerson
Regions, Reconstructing and Knowledge intensive industries: The case of the vinnvinn project in göteborg, Sweden The job Security Sweden, 2006
- Andreas Diedrich
nnovative restructing in Sweden: An overview of existing research The job Security of Sweden, 2006
Project Porrtfolio Management, 2006
- Ola Dawidson
- Kristina Palm, Monica Bjerlöv
”IP strategies for sourcing and exploitation of new technologies – esecially licensing strategies” , 2005
Rehabilitering och flexibla arbetsformer, 2005
- Jon Rognes et al
Continuous Change in Mature Firms, 2005
- Kamilla Kohn Rådberg
Managerial Work and Learning in Small Firms, 2005
- Henrik Florén
Externalising Services, 2005
- Fredrik Nordin
Det är problemet som är lösningen och lösningen som blev problemet, 2005
- Monica Bjerlöv, Kristina Palm
Omstrukturering, omställning och kompetensväxling, 2005
- Anders Edström
- Ola Sabel
Inter-firm Product Platform Development in the Automotive Industry. International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol 9, No 2, 2005
- Christer Karlsson
- Magnus Lundbäck
Managing New Technology Intergration: Integrating Software in Manufactured Products. International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol 9, No 3, 2005
- Christer Karlsson
- Eva Lovén
bringing technology and innovation into the boardroom, 2004
dating for innovation, 2004
- Cassandra Marshall
Organizing Technology Planning, 2004
- Martin Karlsson
Omställning till nytt arbete – en studie av posten Futurum, 2004
- Anders Edström
- Dana Aronescu
Finns svensk bilindustri? (Is there a Swedish automobile industry?) BIL Sweden, Stockholm, 2003
The Development if Industrial Networks – Challenges to Operations Management in an Extraprise. International Journal of Operation and Production Management, Vol 23, No 1, 2003
Technology Collaborations in Corporate Innovation Systems, 2002
- Ove Granstrand
- Sven Lindmark
Creating sustainable work systems, 2002
- Abraham B. (Rami) Shani
- Jan Forslin
Evolution of Techno.-Economic Systems An Investigation of the History of mobile Communications, 2002
I KULTURENS GREPP Nedläggning av Lear Corporations fabrik i Bengtsfors Ett industriellt drama i tre akter, 2002
- Anders Edström
- Johan Wass
How Cheetahs Run Cheetah Teams in Product Development Projects – the Most Extreme Form of Temporary Organizations? 2001
- Charlotta Svensson
- Christina Hellström, Henrik Berglund
- Tomas Hellström
- Christina Hellström
Related Diversification On business Creating Process in Large Technolgy-Based Firms , 2001
- Martin Edlund
Personalminskning och kompetensväxling inom Vattenfall – Uppföljning av ett omställningsprojekt, 2001
- Ola Sabel
Do the sourcing strategies of automotive firms really support corporate objectives? International Journal of Automotive technology and Management, Vol 1, No 1, 2001
- Alf Westelius
- Dennis Nobelius
- Charlotte Björkegren Licuppsats Linköpings Tekniska Högskola
- Licuppsats Linda Askenäs Linköpings Tekniska Högskola
Innovation and Efficiency A Knowledge-Based Approch to Organizing Industrial Firms , 2000
Sequences of Manufacturing Improvement Initiatives: The Case of Delayering. International Journal of Operations and Produstion Management, Vol 20, No 11, 2000
- Jan Löwstedt
- Pär Larsson
- Bengt Stymne
- Bo Persson, Ingemar Erixson
Users in Action-Stories of users and telematics in everyday life, 1999
- Britt Östlund, Marianne Karlsson
- Jan-Erik Rendahl mfl.
The Economics and Management of intellectual Property, 1999
Hur skapades magra organisationer? 1999
The Contribution of New Technology-Based Firms to Swedish Economy III: Public Support, 1997
Magra organisationer på gott och ont, Björn Trägårdh1999
- Björn Trägårdh
Technological Level and Product Development Cycle Time. Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol 16, No 4, 1999
- Christer Karlsson
- Pär Åhlström
Tidig finansiering av teknikbaserade företag – fas 1, 1998
- Christer Olofsson
- Göran Lindström, Per Erlandsson
Teknikbaserade företag i tidig utvecklingsfas, 1998
- Christer Olofsson
- Göran Lindskog
- Sverker Alänge, Johnny Lindström, Helena Lundberg Nilsson
The Contribution of New Technology-Based Firms to Swedish Economy I: A Literature Survey, 1997
The Contribution of New Technology-Based Firms to Swedish Economy II: The Statistical Evidence, 1997
Business Process Development and Information Technology in Small and Medium-sized Companies, COMPETE, 1997
- Jörgen Andersson
Bringing Business into Sociotechnical Theory and Practice, 1997
Outnyttjade uppfinningar och avknoppningspotential i storföretag, 1997
Industriell FoU – Vad utmärker Best Practice Project, 1997
- Joseph Schaller, Maria Olsson, Susanne Ollila
Bilindustrin i samhället, marknad och produktion,1997
- Christer Karlsson
- Björn Lindkvist
The Effect of IT Nets on the Development and Exchange of Knowledge in Large Construction Projects, 1997
- Andrew Schenkel
Informationsteknik och affärsstödjande processer i mindre företag, COMPETE, 1997
- Bengt Stymne
- Barrientos, Eriksson, Tunälv
Support for Technology Development of SMEs in Different Regions in Sweden, COMPETE, 1997
- Birger Rapp
- Andersson, Eriksson, Tunälv
The Use of Information Technology in Swedish SMEs. Progress report from 40 field visits. COMPETE, 1997
- Mats Magnusson
- Torbjörn Stjernberg
- Andersson, Belotti, Nilsson, Tunälv
Environmental Scanning Behaviour in Four Swedish Organizations. A Study of Environmental Based Competence Development, 1996
- Sven Hamrefors
Standardsystem idag och i framtiden – En leverantörsstudie, 1996
- Anders G. Nilsson
- Rolf Andersson
Speedy Government, 1996
- Peter B. Hägglund
Changing Models of Hospital Management, 1996
- Ingela Thylefors, Olle Persson
William H Crocker Middle School: A Case Study, 1995
- Abraham B. (Rami) Shani
- Martin Rogberg
Skolans ledning och organisation: Fallstudier av skolorna i Bräcke och Rödeby, 1995
- Jan Löwstedt
- Martin Rogberg
Management and Organisations of Secondary Schools: A Comparison of ’Modern Schools’ in Sweden, Denmark and California, 1995
Kvarnsveden och Corbehem: En jämförande organisationsstudie över kulturgränser i Stora-koncernen, 1995
- Bengt Stymne
- Lars-Julius Liljeström, Mia Odabas
Mediators of IT-Effectiveness, 1995
Technological Development in Small Firms: A Literature Survey , 1995
- Richard Ferguson
En modell för Lean Production i sjukvården, 1995
- Christer Karlsson
- Håkan Nordgren, Jon Rognes
Kartläggning av defensiva och offensiva rutiner – Ett instrument för mätning av handlingsmönster som hindrar och gynnar utveckling, 1995
- Sven Kylén
När kvalitetsidéerna möter praktiken – En studie av tre byggföretags kvalitetsprogram, 1995
- Martin Rogberg
Nätverk för utveckling, 1995
- Cecilia Fondelius
Studier av regionala checksystem, 1995
- Kicki Westlund, Ulrika Dahlberg
Checkar för arbetsutveckling och bättre produktivitet, 1995
- Dick Ramström m.fl.
Patenting Strategies of French Corporations, 1995
- Bengt Stymne
- Caroline Borysewicz
- Claes Tunälv
Lärande i en lärande organisation – En fallstudie av ett utvecklingsprojekt i Enköpings Kommun 1995 Pernilla Karlsson Ulrika Åkerlund Jan LöwstedtLärande i en lärande organisation – En fallstudie av ett utvecklingsprojekt i Enköpings Kommun, 1995
- Jan Löwstedt
- Pernilla Karlsson, Ulrika Åkerlund
Användning och produktion av informationstjänster inom patentinformation, 1994
- Sven Hamrefors
Investeringer i affärsstödjande IT – en fallstudie på Sydkraft, 1994
- Håkan Nordahl
Vad vet vi om sambandet mellan företagets patentverksamhet och dess kommersiella framgång? 1994
- Ivo Zander
The Capital Investment Process and New Technology, 1994
- Ingvar Persson
Small Business Finance: Policies and Outcomes in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s 1994
- Marc Cowling, Robert Cressy
Management, Information and Cybernetics, 1994
- J.D.R. de Raadt
Expanding the Horizon of Information Systems Design: Information Technology and Cultural Ecology, 1994
- J.D.R. de Raadt
La politique de brevets de grands groupes industriels francais (in French), 1994
- Caroline Borysewicz
Arbetsledare – en nyckelroll i förändring, 1994
- Ulrika Åkerlund
Cross-Cultural Transfer of Organizational Innovation, 1994
Skolen ved Rønnebær Alle – Fokus på lederskab i den danske folkeskoles decentaliseringsproces (in Danish) , 1994
- Bengt Stymne
- Birthe Rydberg
A Note on Distinctive Competence, 1993
Skandia International – A Case Study, 1992
- Michael J. Earl
Decision Support Systems at Sydkraft AB – Usage, Influences and Possibilities, 1992
- Jan Kilström, Per Bäcklin
Information Technology and Competence Formation in the Swedish Service Sector, 1992
Informationsteknologi och Management – En uppsats för IT 2000 utredningen, 1992
Informationsteknologi och arbetsmiljö i försäkringsbranschen i ett framtidsperspektiv, 1992
- Gunnar Aronsson
International Competition, Education, Training and Skills – a British Perspective, 1992
- Bill Haywood, Peter Senker
Strategic Information Systems Planning – Lessons of a Planning Approach in Three Cases, 1992
- Ragnvald Sannes
Linear Programming for Valuation and Related Decision Problems, 1991
- Peter Jennergren
Environmental Intelligence – Competitive Advantage through Information Management, 1991
- Patrick Regnör
Value Addition in Videotex Networks, 1991
- Tomas Ohlin
Inter-Organisatoriska Informationssystem – En utvärdering av den strategiska potentialen i fem svenska fall av datoriserad kommunikation med kunder, 1991
- Martin Englund
Human-Computer Interaction and Writing – Studies of Word Processing, 1991
- Lennart Sjöberg
On the Choice between Human Oriented and Technology Oriented Manufacturing Systems – Presented at The 3rd International Production Management Conference on Management and New Production Systems, Gothenburg, 1991
Human Oriented and Technology Oriented Manufacturing Systems Presented at VTT/IMIT Workshop on Technology Management, Technology Strategies and Integrated Information Systems in Manufacturing, Silja. 1991
Key Organizational Issues in AMT Implementation Presented at VTT/IMIT Workshop on Technology Mangement, Technology Strategies and Integrated Information Systems in Manufacturing, Silja. 1991
- Per Lindberg
The Need for Simultaneous Engineering in Time Based Competition Presented at VTT/IMIT Workshop on Technology Mangement, Technology Strategies and Integrated Information Systems in Manufacturing, Silja. 1991
Exploiting the Value of Information – Important Issues for the Strategy Process, 1991
- Anders S. Nilsson
Managing and Organizing for Advanced Manufacturing Technology – Paper presented at the workshop on Aspects of adoption of microelectronicsbased technologies in India with special reference to labour market and labour response. Calcutta October, 1991
- Per Lindberg
Ledningsperspektiv pÎ informationsbehandling, 1991
- Nils-Göran Olve, Thomas Falk
Användning av informationsteknologi i investeringsprocessen – en analys av möjligheter, 1990
- Ingvar Persson
Intra-Firm Difussion Patterns of Electronic Mail Systems, 1990
- Thomas Östebro
Intellectual Technology – A Social AlchemistÇs Dream of Ordering Society, 1990
- Bengt-Arne Vedin
Prerequisites for Alternative Working Hours in an FMS, 1990
FMS, Division of Labor and Coordinating Mechanisms , 1990
- Claes Tunälv
Socially Successful Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1990
- Per Lindberg
Is There a Gap of Knowledge between R&D and Production?, 1990
The International Diffussion of Computer Aided Design, 1990
- Thomas Östebro
Computer Based Communication, Competence and Organizational Development, 1990
- Sven-Åke Hörte
- Horst Hart
A Panel Study of Manufacturing Strategies in Sweden, 1990
- Sven-Åke Hörte
- Claes Tunälv
Manufacturing Strategy in the Value System, 1990
- Lars Trygg
- Per Lindberg
The Use of Integration Mechanisms in the Design to Production Transfer, 1990
Storing, Handling and Supplying Information – Now and in the Future, 1990
The Network as a Metaphor and Social Fabric, 1990
- Bengt-Arne Vedin
The Changing Role of Purchasing – Reconsidering Three Strategic Issues, 1990
- Lars-Erik Gadde
- Håkan Håkansson
Informationsteknologins inverkan på inköp och distribution, 1990
- Anna Dubois
Computer Based Communication and Organizational Development, 1990
- Horst Hart
Information Technology and Distribution Strategy, 1989
- Lars-Erik Gadde
- Anna Dubois
Work Organization in Future Production and Product Development (in Swedish), 1989
- Lars Trygg
- Sven-Åke Hörte
- Claes Tunälv, Per Lindberg
Aspects of Integration and Work Organization in Advanced Manufacturing, 1989
Valuation of Linear Programming – A Pedagogical Note, 1989
- Peter Jennergren
Strategic Manufacturing Management – A Proactivity Approach, 1989
- Per Lindberg
Manufacturing Strategies and Decentralization, 1989
- Claes Tunälv
Computer Based Training Using Expert Systems Technology, 1989
Factors Affecting the Intra-firm Diffusion of Electronic Mail Systems,1989
- Karl Liander, Thomas Östebro
The Impact of Information Technology on Purchasing Behaviour and Supplier Markets – a prestudy, 1989
- Lars-Erik Gadde
- Anna Dubois, Håkan Håkansson
nformation Technology in the Long Wave Perspective, 1989
- Thomas Östebro
Aktuellt inom kommunikation och informationsteknologi – en reserapport från USA, 1989
- Britt-Marie Drottz Sjsberg
The Role of International Data Communications in the Structure of Multinational Corporations – a Conceptual Framework, 1989
- Peter Hagström
Work Organization in FMS -Two Case Descriptions, 1989
Diffusion and Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies in Sweden, 1989
- Per Lindberg
The Procurement of Information Technology Systems Across Borders
- Sven-Åke Hörte
- Bengt-Arne Vedin
Effektiva databastjänster med särskild uppmärksamhet på Videotex, 1989
- Tomas Ohlin
Knowledge Engines – Economic Payoff and Prospects for the Future, 1989
- Edward Feigenbaum
Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems (in Swedish), 1988
- Lennart Sjöberg
Information Technology & Management – A Research Program, 1989